How to get started


Like many web-based services requires you to have an account and be signed in to use the service. accounts require minimal information: username, email, and password.

Luckily is not one of those crazy things that logs you out every fifteen minutes. Once you are logged in you will remain that way for quite some time. (I’m not sure how long, but weeks, possibly months.)

Getting it active in a browser

Now you need to get active in a web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Internet Explorer/Edge). Chrome provides the best user experience for via an extension that you install. Other browsers use what is called a “bookmarklet”.

The key difference is that the Chrome extension adds a button to Chrome for activating whereas the “bookmarklet” method of the other browsers creates a bookmark link which requires a little more handling.

Let’s have a quick look at these.

Install Chrome browser plugin

This the preferred method so we’ll look at it first.

Using Chrome navigate to the home page. On the home page will be the area shown in the following diagram.

Simply click on the “Install” button. This will pop up a window with information on the plugin, you will need to use the “Add Extension” button here to complete the install.

This will install a button in your Chrome button bar that you click to use

Install in Firefox, Safari or other browsers

Using your other browser of choice, navigate to the homepage.

The box in the diagram above will look mostly the same, but will have one small difference. Whereas above the button for a Chrome install says “Install” now it will say “Get Bookmarklet”.

When you click the “Get Bookmarklet” button it pops up the box shown in the following diagram.

As per the instructions in the box, you can either drag the bookmarklet to the bookmark bar in your browser, or you can right click on it and “create link”.

Dragging it to your bookmark bar has the advantage of putting it front and centre where you can find it when you want to use it. Creating a link usually puts it at the bottom of a link list and it may not be handy when you need it.

The key disadvantage of this bookmarklet options for other browsers is that as your bookmarks change and you maybe add other important bookmarks to your bookmark bar, this one may wind up getting shuffled off the screen.

In general you should use Chrome if at all possible.

via Plugin or Integration

The other way can become active on a web page is from the web page provider’s side of things. There many “plugins” and “integrations” currently available and many others in development. As a website owner you can use these to have added to your page(s) automatically when users load them.

As an example, you’ll notice that is already active on this page. This is because I installed/activated the WordPress plugin and asked it to load for this page.

I won’t spend any more time on this now, refer to the sources below if you want to see if there is an integration for your environment.

via Proxy

Aside from sounding cool when in nerdy company, this method requires no initial setup but is by far the most tiresome to use. You may have noticed in the diagram above the box that says “Paste a link…” in it. The idea here is to copy and paste the link you want to annotate, press the annotate button and then the page is run through the proxy server which will add the layer.

Logging In

The final element to getting set up is making sure you are logged in. Logging in to either the website or the panel in your browser sets a thing called a “cookie”. Without getting too technical, a cookie is (amongst other things) something your browser looks for to see if you are logged in to a site. The same one works for both the and the panel. So, likely you are already logged in if you just created an account.

It will be fairly obvious if you are not logged in, the panel will look like this:

Of course, you just need to log in and then you are on your way.



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